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MTC February 2013 - "Bi-Directional" - Results on page 8!
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Taronium says:
Hmmm...I figured that they key was for routes to cross over each other, not that the exact same route has to go both ways.... DOH. Well, guess I'll have to make another one then... great exercise! (y)

The thing is, if I would say strictly "The same track must be driven completely in both directions", then people would complain that eg. "I have a minor bump there and some cars fly over couple tiles, so they don't DRIVE on them -- will I get disqualified???"

Because of that, I phrased the rules in such a way that there can be some (unspecified) difference between where the car moves depending on direction, but still, a good portion of the track should be shared by both directions.
Moped Racer
Location: SK
Space says:
Taronium says:
Hmmm...I figured that they key was for routes to cross over each other, not that the exact same route has to go both ways.... DOH. Well, guess I'll have to make another one then... great exercise! (y)

I think you understood it wrong. it's exactly that route has to go both ways.

I think you understood him wrong. That's exactly what he's saying. :)
or did I understand someone wrong now?
Moped Racer
Location: BE
ROFL, that was exactly what I was saying... except that "they" was meant to say "the", lol... that keeps happening to me.

So, yes, the track has to have one single route that goes both ways. I figured some cross jumping is unavoidable, but it's awesome to try figuring out both way solutions for tricky places. Makes for some sweet forms in the track, especially jumps, actually.
I've already started (and kind of finished) a proper one, but need to make it longer (1:50 author thus far, damn it!). I love that challenge idea in general. I've just started with the track editor and to follow a given theme activates the whole mind in the exercise of building a track. Love it! (l)
My maps are nothing, yet, though, just some early stumblings... but it's all fun.

SO: THANK YOU (by the way) ! :)
Last edited by Taronium,
Quad Bike Racer
don't make it longer! max time is 2.00 minutes :)
Moped Racer
Location: BE
OMG, damned.... am I having some attention deficit disorder or did the first post get edited? LOL.... my god. There I go extending the map like crazy, which is quite awesome, actually, while I had been golden already.... damn it! But - for what ever fatefully brilliant reason- I've saved the short version, because I liked it the way it was, too. PHEWww. :p

LOL... thanks! (brb)
Quad Bike Racer
I mixed up blockroutes and carroutes (I hope you got it xD), my bad :p
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
Posted my proper bidirectional map now... I put only one "suggested" "wrong way" sign at a small straight, just figured it would help the elegance (ehm...ya...I think it's elegant at least, haha). My record is 1:40, but I have author time at 1:46.
Quad Bike Racer
[user deleted]  
[user deleted]
Learner Driver
SPIDER says:
I want some credit Alcator :-w

This was a while ago, but...SPIDER, don't worry, I got your back. ;) (check my submission)

Also, the rules discussion cracks me up.

The way the rules are stated, the limitations on track design are really pretty loose. Each double-CP has to be driveable from either direction, and there has to be at least one simple split early in the track. That's it.

You could just do a simple loop and it would work, or you can do something more complicated. In my track you can drive all three double-CPs in any order and from any direction, and there are still possible variations, even after you pick a sequence and general route, but it still fits the rules as stated.
Track Slacker
Location: US
Make one MTC in TMNF. ;)
Last edited by ceo_tw,
Learner Driver
Location: TW
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