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[RESOLVED] Cannot submit autosaved replays anymore?
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[RESOLVED] Cannot submit autosaved replays anymore?  
Getting this error:

" Replay title does not match environment or title used. Please ensure the replay was saved with the correct title. E.g Canyon and Canyon. "

Offline saved replays work fine. No problem until yesterday, didn't changed any MP configuration recently, just installed the Stadium Stunters pack(I'm not running the maps on the wrong title).
Last edited by MrA,
G-kart Racer
Location: BR
This is becuase we put in a change to limit the possiblity of people submitting replays made with Satadium car on Canyon tracks. A side effect is that auto rplays have started being rejected, as it appears to be that the auto replays are not saved by the game in quite the same way as the standard replays.

Hopefully this method, of applying the restriction, should not be long term, as its all to do with the Stadium environment and ManiaPlanet being in beta at the moment.
Last edited by MrA,
Surely Retired
Location: GB
Can someone please test if autosaves fail for Stadium, Canyon, or both?
Last edited by MrA,
Surely Retired
Location: GB
Tested. Not working for Canyon too.
G-kart Racer
Location: BR
I have the same problem :'(
Learner Driver
Location: UA
Thanks Morte,

We are aware of the issue, for the moment it will not be fixed. We have to wait and see what Nadeo do to help with file controls.
Last edited by MrA,
Surely Retired
Location: GB
just revert. imho it's a bigger problem than people who purposefully upload replays with another car (I haven't seen any).
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
and what up is with maps which were built for another car?
Beetle Racer
Location: DE
Hmm, this really should be fixed, I always use autosaves with replays :s
Last edited by wormi,
Beetle Racer
Location: FI
At the moment, Stadium and ManiaPlanet are in beta, which means things are not finished yet. MX however, is not in beta, its a live site. If we allow people to upload envmix replays right now, then every Canyon record could be destroyed because the Stadium car is just usually going to be faster.

So therefore we can not just allow people to start uploading environment mixed replays. The measure we have put in place is temporary, to protect records hard fought on existing Canyon tracks.

We hope that Nadeo will be able to do something with the files so that sites like MX can correctly identify which car / title / environment was used. If they do this, we can then look at how MX will adapt to allow envmix replay posting.

Until then, and for now, we have to live with the restriction we have made.

* Autosaves are a side issue, if Nadeo update the way autosaves are saved, to be the same as how normal replays are saved, then autosaves would work again.
Last edited by MrA,
Surely Retired
Location: GB
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