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Ok guys, I've asked this question before but nobody seems to know the answer so,
though pure infuriating frustration, I've posted the same question in every forum in the hope that someone , somewhere , actually knows how the TM2 MT Custom camera works.
In the TM1 editor I can perform the task in a matter of seconds but it seems impossible in the TM2 editor

The CUSTOM CAMERA should be the most versatile part of the MT system but Nadeo have somehow altered it.


I have now tried just about everything I have learned over the last 10 years about the TM1 Media tracker system and no matter what I do I cannot get the camera to "Lock on to the car" in a gps
Is there 'Anyone' on this website who knows the correct setting how to create a 'CUSTOM GPS' that will :

Rivet to
Hook to
Link to
Tie to
Annex to
Append to
Bind to
Couple to
Prefix to
Rivet to
Unite with
Hitch to
Hook on to
Latch to
make fast to
Tag on to ~

The back of the car in a gps 'and stay there'...
Without the camera wandering off in another direction ?
This task is "Unbelievably simple" in the TM1 editor yet is proving all but Impossible in the TM2 editor.
Please understand I am Not talking about :
'Camera Race' ( The White Time Line ) which includes :
Internal Camera (AKA loop camera)
Default Camera
I am Not talking about
'Camera Path' (the Blue time line)
I am talking about THE "CUSTOM CAMERA " THE >>> RED TIME LINE <<<

• • •
Update :
Sorry for troubling you guys I think I have finally found out how to do it. Even though it seems a little unstable
Although I must say, Nadeo's programmer's have definitely altered the Custom camera section of the MT system...God knows why... :s

Last edited by trax,
Learner Driver
Location: GB
You want a GPS, where you use a custom camera that sticks to the car?

- Go into Ingame MT
- Make a new clip where you want to start your GPS
- import the replay you want to use for the GPS
- create a block 'custom camera' at the time you want to start your GPS
- set the length of the camera to the length of the replay
- select the beginning of the camera block
- place the camera at the place where you want the camera to watch the GPS
- activate 'anchor rotation' (should be a red spot top left in the camera tool)
- set the camera anchor the replay you want to use
- copy this setting to the end point (in German "Steuerpunkt", don't know the translation)

Your custom GPS should now be finished!
You can now play around with some different camera perspectives and so on ;)
Quad Bike Racer
Location: DE
Thank you very much for replying, I was beginning to think nobody here had the slightest idea what I meant by 'Custom Camera'. You must have been preparing that reply around the same time I was discovering how to to do it for myself... But I still appreciate the tutorial, I have pasted it onto a text doc in the unlikely event that I forget how to do it... (y)

What I don't understand is the necessity for setting 'both' ends of the timeline . The Custom Camera function 'must' have been altered in TM 2 , because in the MT system in TM 1 (when applying a simple Custom camera gps) there was no need to alter the far end of the timeline.
In TM 1 . Once the Target Anchor and X-Y-Z (etc) settings have been set, at the beginning of the timeline, the far end of the timeline can be left at 'None'.
It may sound like an insignificant thing but it has caused me a whole load of stress.
That subtle change also explains why my MT work goes wrong on tracks I have dragged from TM 1 and Dropped in TM 2 . :(
Anyhow, I have got my gps working correctly now, which is a relief. :cool:

I may have already solved the problem prior to your reply but I am still very grateful. There are a couple more Custom camera changes in TM 2 that are causing me some problems , ones which I am yet to solve, but I won't trouble you with them.

I am an avid believer in " If it aint broke, Don't try to fix it " So why Nadeo felt the need to change something that worked better in the first version is totally baffling to me. :s

Learner Driver
Location: GB
If you don't set the end of the camera-block to the settings of the first, the camera will move away from the ghost ;)
You could avoid this by setting interpolation of the beginning to 'None'..
I use it the first way.. like that it's clearly defined how the cmaera will move :)

Quad Bike Racer
Location: DE
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