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Paragon League - Chase Mapping Competition (results on page 6!)
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Yay gonna make another then :3
Quad Bike Racer
Sorry for the late question, but is it alright to add a GPS without making any MT text notifications?
Quad Bike Racer
Location: US
No rexracer, the maps will be competition maps and driven in cups frequently, so that players will know them well. A GPS is then not needed anyways ;)
gado is a
Location: DE
Time to send maps got extended... you didn't get enough maps? ;)
Learner Driver
I'm on it to build something. I have a lot ideas, but as always it's hard to put them into a 50 seconds lap.. :d
Moped Racer
If we already submitted, but feel that we should add a few more scenery elements (i.e. reduce negative space) can we update the track file for submission?
Learner Driver
You can update your map as many times as you want, as long as we haven't met the deadline yet ;)
gado is a
Location: DE
map updating  
Does that mean we would need to add [update] to the title? Or are they only gonna be judged after the deadline?

And...... can we delete one submission and put another in if we feel it necessary?
Learner Driver
Just update/delete as many times as you want without a tag ;)
Last edited by haenry,
gado is a
Location: DE
haenry says:
No rexracer, the maps will be competition maps and driven in cups frequently, so that players will know them well. A GPS is then not needed anyways ;)

Well that's true. Alright then :d
Quad Bike Racer
Location: US
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