[90MC - 3]- The 90 Minutes Competition - Results
Here are the results... tbh I expected a different outcome...
Teaumma for winning the next edition of the 90MC. Please
message the
MX Moderators for you frontpage showcase.
"[90MC - 4] - Habits by Lars &
"[90MC - 4] Lightning reflexes by Keissla.wp
To see the full results,
click here. The planets will be sent as soon as possible.
Since we received several complaints that people just gave high / low score without any explanation. In future editions
any vote with 3 or less than points or 8 or more points will be
changed to 4 / 7 points..
fredair.esu says:
It is recommened to give reasons for very high and very low votes, so builders know what they did right/wrong.
Last edited by iHq/fredair.esu,