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MTC October 2017: Puzzle!
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Arkive says:
Any help or advice is appreciated
It sounds similar to the problem I was having (which Yoshi was kind enough to debug for me).

My problem was caused by mix-mapping, and basically having two blocks with exactly the same coordinates, which confuses and breaks the puzzle script. In my case, one of the blocks was Lagoon 4-6-1, a pillar which automatically extends to the ground (and counts as sitting ON the ground, not in the air). In my map it was extending *through* a block that was also sitting on the ground (which I had placed intersectiing the pillar via mix-mapping), and I simply had to move the support pillar to a clear space.

Perhaps look more closely at any areas where mix-mapping was used, and potential overlapping blocks while waiting for Yoshi to respond?
Track Slacker
Location: US
Yea, that indeed sounds like the same issue. If the base coordinates of two blocks equal, the "unique ids" assigned to blocks (by Nando, I can't get any other unique reference to blocks without complicating it a lot) are no longer unique as they're solely based on position...
Segmentation fault
Location: NL
Ah, that would most likely be my problem then. I've got some fairly heavy blockmixing going on, so there's probably multiple overlapping blocks. That's a shame, but I'll take a look and report back if things are still broken.
MTC Host
MTC Host
Location: US
big problem there i finished my map but when i had to save it with the script it didn't work :| i tried to follow the video tutorial but it didn't worked at all. then i discovered that i can enter the script mode when i try to modify the map which have been saved with the script. But when i'm in i can't place blocks in/on the ground. plz i need help
Learner Driver
Location: SL
Editing a puzzle map is the only way to play the it in puzzle mode.
Do you see the blocks and just can't select them?
Then try clicking on the top outline of the block.
If that's not helping: Are you sure you changed the script file names after you saved your map?
Did you hit validate and calculated the shadows before you saved the map?
G-kart Racer
Location: DE
okay finally i understand with your reply that i did right
Thx :done:
Learner Driver
Location: SL
but when i test the map i can still not place the blocks :( (i can send you the map if you want to test if the cript works correctly)
Last edited by valplaytm,
Learner Driver
Location: SL
Yeah you can send me your map over pm and I'll look if it works/what's wrong
G-kart Racer
Location: DE
»SM» Val-play's problem also had to do with blockmixing.
I updated the rules now
G-kart Racer
Location: DE
Can we keep blockmixing in? My map would be disqualified if blockmixing suddenly breaks the rules. Just make an obvious note to not mix two blocks into each other and you should be fine.
MTC Host
MTC Host
Location: US
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