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Zero (Beta) by Expack2
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Zero (Beta) by Expack2  

Looking for some feedback on this track because 1) the track pieces themselves just entered beta in TMPlus Canyon, and 2) as the track thumbnail clearly shows off, the track is PITCH BLACK with the exception of some simple lighting: blue to accentuate the blue boost pads, and red to indicate where to slow down or otherwise be careful. Personally, I find it works with the feature-specific lighting (and the fact the track borders glow brightly), but my gut's telling me others may find it hard-to-see.
Last edited by Expack2,
Old Age Caravanner
Location: US
I recently discovered a checkpoint added with the same TMPlus Canyon update which introduced the magnetic track pieces. Instead of spawning the player at the usual orientation, this new checkpoint spawns the player at its orientation instead. Thus, so long as they're properly aligned with the track, I can effectively place checkpoint anywhere on the magnetic part of the track! :d

There is a downside: the checkpoints are narrower than the usual checkpoints, meaning more precision is required.

I've also played around with the lighting. I've tried to do it in a way which lights up as much of the track as possible without wasting coppers.

Let me know how you think of the track, now that I've updated it with the aforementioned elements.
Old Age Caravanner
Location: US
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