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Your Mania Exchange account has not be linked with your ManiaPlanet account. Click here to link them.
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Forzyy says:
Just a quick question to those who are having problems. Did you connect your accounts before registering here (the TM2X, not MX)?

I dont understand the question Forzyy ;) be clearer
Surely Retired
Location: GB
Seems like I'm having the same problem.

Could a mod please unlink my account so I can try again. Thanks

edit: seems to be fixed now
Last edited by Nightcover,
Learner Driver
Location: DK
Same problem here. :)
Last edited by ciccipicci,
Learner Driver
Location: IT
Sorry for delay, you can retry yours ciccipicci.
Surely Retired
Location: GB
Same here
MX: dariomassari

Going crazy.. :)
Learner Driver
Location: IT
Darmaya says:
Same here
MX: dariomassari

Going crazy.. :)

OK, fixed, TY!
Learner Driver
Location: IT
Is it just me or is the "Link accounts" function missing on the page  
I browsed this sub-forum for ten minutes and haven't found any problem like mine.

So, when I log into Mania Exchange, it says that my MX account hasn't be linked with my MP account. Okay, but when I log into the MX Accounts portal, it only shows this :

Is it a bug or do I have to search somewhere else ? I can't find it. :|
Learner Driver
That's a really strange (and new) one. You don't see the 'ManiaPlanet Account' window at all? 0.o
Deep fried
Location: AU
Nope. 8-| (I tried with Firefox and IE as well)

Is it because of cookies ? I erase them each time I close the browser.
Last edited by juju28230,
Learner Driver
You should be able to connect your account now. :done:

A registration link wasn't created between your MX account and your TM2X account here. :s
Deep fried
Location: AU
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