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Is there any way to keep maps in my game after using the "install and play" function?
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Is there any way to keep maps in my game after using the "install and play" function?  
Basically the title, I really like the install and play function because it's way faster and easier than downloading maps and dragging them to the folder, but it seems (as far as I can tell, I'm a noob) that after i play the map and exit back to main menu i can never play it again without re-downloading it. I like to keep maps and replay them again and again, is there a way to make the maps downloaded from install and play stick around or am i just forced to use the folder dragging method?
Learner Driver
you can go to your download folder and doubleclick on the mapname.Map.Gbx
it will open maniaplanet or open the map in maniaplanet if its already open

i have to say that the game will lagg as hell if you open maniaplanet with doubleclick on a map or replay gbx file, alreast for me ... you should have open the game already
Old Age Caravanner
Location: DE
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