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After a Mediaplanet update weeks ago, 4 minuture racing cars appeared from nowhere in my items section.If I place them on the map I can see them in the editor, but when I go there in my car they do not show up at all.Any ideas please ?

By the way I play Stadium.
Old Age Caravanner
Location: NL
I want to say that vehicle items like that are for something else, perhaps Shootmania or as something for custom gamemodes to use (though I could be wrong). I don't think they're meant to be used in the same way traditional items are used. If you don't need their collision, though, you could always use mediatracker ghosts to place vehicles as scenery.
MTC Host
MTC Host
Location: US
Thank you for your answer.....I thought when I first saw these cars,,wow they will look good as scenery, even their lights work and the light shines on the ground too, while in the map editor. During a race or freeroam the cars stay invisable, what a shame they look fantastic. I had a row of them lined up at the side of the road to drive past during a race.

What is mediatracker ghost ?
Last edited by Zat The Alien,
Old Age Caravanner
Location: NL
A mediatracker ghost is basically a replay of a run. Like with many racing games, it's called a ghost because you can't interact with the recorded vehicle at all; it simply does exactly what it did when it was recorded. With the mediatracker, you can set these ghosts to play with the map or at certain triggers. Assuming you haven't used the mediatracker before, you just click on the film strip button in your map editor. For ghosts that will simply stay still, you'd select the "Ambient" option; mediatracker tracks placed here play as soon as the map is loaded, and continue until the map is closed. You should see a "Record" button among the mess of an interface. Click this, set your car down like you would in test mode, wait about 1 second, then hit esc. The game should prompt you if you'd like to use that ghost, then click yes. You should see a new track in the timeline titled as Ghost: [your name]. Click on the bar and check that the "Block Start" value is at 0:00.00. Then, make sure that "Keep Playing" is checked in the upper left, just to be sure your new ghost doesn't disappear. You can mess with some of the other values to the left as well (I like to set the offset to something like 10 just to be sure the ghosts will remain stationary), but that should be enough for this ghost. Rinse and repeat for any other ghosts you want to record, then just double check that they're there by playing the map.

If you have Valley and are fine with adding the RalleyCross titlepack to one of your stations, then you can take a look at my map MTC - Tourist Trap for an example on how I did it. It's not password locked either, so feel free to open it up in the editor and poke around. There's stationary ghosts as well as moving ghosts, though the moving ghosts required sacrificing the entire In-Game mediatracker sequence. If you need any help getting any of this set up, feel free to ask!
MTC Host
MTC Host
Location: US
No I do not have Valley,,,you got a video of your track ?

I love these small cars, I try and ghost them in then.
Old Age Caravanner
Location: NL
Yep, there's a video for it right here. You'll see the stationary cars on the sidelines in a couple spots. I could also throw together a quick example map in an environment you do have if you'd like; just let me know which environment if you want one.
MTC Host
MTC Host
Location: US
I only have stadium,,,never really got on with valley.I like your video too.
Last edited by Zat The Alien,
Old Age Caravanner
Location: NL
Alright, I threw together a quick map. There's stationary ghosts all over, so it shouldn't be hard to find them. Again, feel free to open this up in the editor to see how it all works.

MTC Host
MTC Host
Location: US
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