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New facebook
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New facebook  
I see my international facebook friends (I have very few, I must say) are complaining about some new facebook. This is the only international forum I'm active on so could someone maybe post a before/after pic or something? I have googled but find no pics.

To me facebook looks exactly the same :s I've only used it less than a month though.
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Location: SE
Well they obviously made some interface modifications (they adopted some google+ interface stuff I think). Imho it's better, it looks a bit more tidied up now. Still it sucks quite hard :-P
Quad Bike Racer
Location: AT
new one is crap.
Quad Bike Racer
Location: TJ
Don't like it, don't use it. Simple as that. 8-|

It still serves it purpose for me. I'm fine with it.
Back in action!
Location: FI
aenima says:
Well they obviously made some interface modifications (they adopted some google+ interface stuff I think). Imho it's better, it looks a bit more tidied up now. Still it sucks quite hard :-P

I noticed something new about location but seriously.. What's all the drama about?? :o I am still thinking it has not changed in sweden for soem reason but maybe I just cant see the problems. More than the new chat sucks
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Location: SE
it' s just some slight changes
it's not that it has a completely new lay-out or so XD
I'm fine with the changes but I wouldn't mind if it wasn't changed either ;)
You just lost the game ...
Location: BE
I prefer the classic look (this before the new chat).
I mean, I don't hate the new features, I can live with them. But the older look was better IMHO.
G-kart Racer
Location: PL
I could care less. I don't really use facebook. I'd prefer to use G+, but the fact is that it's just not as ubiquitous as facebook, and might not ever get there. I do like the fact that Google does not harvest your personal information to generate targeted ads (with better click-through rates). As this is not cause for concern for the average user, there's no panic-stricken emergency migration to G+.

That's the present, let's look at the past for a bit. Myspace trumped xanga (back in the day), which later got given the slip by facebook. Social networking hosts seem to trend from one client to the next. But I doubt that people will move away from the little f until something really amazing comes along. Don't get me wrong, G+ is pretty good, but it might be too little too late to take over social networking.

Let me cite the following example: Often when I hear people talking about portable music players, I hear iPods and MP3 players. iPods have taken over that industry, and no one has taken them down. Who doesn't think of facebook first when they hear 'social networking'? The only thing that phased out the ipod was the integration of the music player into the smartphone. Similarly speaking, it would be easiest to phase out facebook with a social networking that was built in to an OS, eliminating the need for a third party. Facebook however, works on just about every platform imaginable, and there's not really a need for OS developers to try and replace it. Conversely, they're more likely to integrate it more deeply than before, which scares me.

Anyway, I guess the real point I'm trying to make is that if you don't like it, then don't use it. You have the power to do so, believe it or not. (y)

Sports Saloon Racer
Location: US
what did change? I only have Fb since some weeks. :p
Moped Racer
Location: FR
Bucky says:
I could care less. I don't really use facebook. I'd prefer to use G+, but the fact is that it's just not as ubiquitous as facebook, and might not ever get there. I do like the fact that Google does not harvest your personal information to generate targeted ads (with better click-through rates). As this is not cause for concern for the average user, there's no panic-stricken emergency migration to G+.

That's the present, let's look at the past for a bit. Myspace trumped xanga (back in the day), which later got given the slip by facebook. Social networking hosts seem to trend from one client to the next. But I doubt that people will move away from the little f until something really amazing comes along. Don't get me wrong, G+ is pretty good, but it might be too little too late to take over social networking.

Let me cite the following example: Often when I hear people talking about portable music players, I hear iPods and MP3 players. iPods have taken over that industry, and no one has taken them down. Who doesn't think of facebook first when they hear 'social networking'? The only thing that phased out the ipod was the integration of the music player into the smartphone. Similarly speaking, it would be easiest to phase out facebook with a social networking that was built in to an OS, eliminating the need for a third party. Facebook however, works on just about every platform imaginable, and there's not really a need for OS developers to try and replace it. Conversely, they're more likely to integrate it more deeply than before, which scares me.

Anyway, I guess the real point I'm trying to make is that if you don't like it, then don't use it. You have the power to do so, believe it or not. (y)


I don't know exactly how google + works but the rest of google harvests whatever you put into it and generates targeted ads :p

Kinda over facebook anyway... Was really fun first two weeks now it's just bläh :p
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Location: SE
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