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Takes ages to launch TM2
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also maybe your disk is too fragmented, use disk defragmenter to fix that ;)
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
Well I can't tell you if it's got anything to do with it but just a side note.

6gb ram using Windows 7 32-bit Ultimate.

Why are you on a 32 bit system?
A 32 bit system can only address 3 gb of ram. The other 3 gb are lost and actually might hinder your computer from running smoother.
..wasn't me
Location: DE
you're right of course, even with 4GB it's better to use x64 version.
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
SkunkY says:
Well I can't tell you if it's got anything to do with it but just a side note.

6gb ram using Windows 7 32-bit Ultimate.

Why are you on a 32 bit system?
A 32 bit system can only address 3 gb of ram. The other 3 gb are lost and actually might hinder your computer from running smoother.

At the time when I bought 32-bit version 64-bit version had still a lot of compatibility issues. I might upgrade to 64-bit since I can get it freaking cheap from my dad's work so no actual problem with that. :p I am aware with this ram problem but my computer is running perfectly smooth even though.
Old Age Caravanner
Location: FI
CPU/Memory graphs or something before, while and after launching the game?
Segmentation fault
Location: NL
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