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Normally I'm not really a punk listener but I really do like this song! 8/10

Ulver - Wildcat / Rock Massif Pt. I & II
Quad Bike Racer
Location: AT
well, I love Ulver in general and these three songs are especially good... quite different but its still fluid as a whole imo... guess I prefer wildcat but not sure.. I really like every song, so

Arctic plateau - Alive
G-kart Racer
Location: DE
lovely, atmospheric song (as usual from you). seems to be an interesting project. 7/10

PJ Harvey - Rid Of Me
G-kart Racer
Location: CH
the song growd on me a bit... not my absoloute favourite, but this woman has for sure a great presence and a brilliant voice and the song is very decent as well. 7/10

[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVKZ_YUsvpg&feature=related]The algorithm - Geometric progression[url]
G-kart Racer
Location: DE
Ah, Algorithm.

What can I say. He has some nice ideas, but I get the feeling that he covers them in something too random. I don't know if he uses too little or too much time to make his songs. The most technical parts (like the beginning) just don't work for me. Might work if the cymbals were actually mixed properly, they are WAY too loud. The synth sounds were actually pretty good, I can sense some Townsend influences here and there. The breakdownish sections aren't my taste. I'd probably like this more if I really analyzed it properly, but I really don't feel like doing that - I just don't think it's worth it. Not my type of a project. 4/10

AAL - Odessa
Last edited by Ville,
Back in action!
Location: FI
To be honest, I don't like it that much. Maybe it needs a few more listens, the guitars are certainly impressive and I like the jazzy arpeggios. But what bothers me is that most of these "Djent" bands (tbh I don't like that term) sounds pretty much the same. What sets AAL above the others tho, is the impressive guitar work but in the end the chunk-chunk riffs sound the same to me anyway. :p 6/10

Pekka Pohjola - Strange Awakening
Quad Bike Racer
Location: AT
Just a sidenote: AAL is not djent. :p Only a few songs, like Waves of Babies can be counted inside the genre - other than that, they just use 8-string guitars.
Back in action!
Location: FI
that's pretty damn cool. love the jazzy feel to it and the 'mix' really works. 8/10

to go on with jazz:
Jan Garbarek - Paper Nut
G-kart Racer
Location: CH
Awesome sound in the soprano sax. Really groovy stuff. The violin sounded really intense as well. 8/10

Here's an ambient masterpiece that I came across today. Somnam - In the Woods of Silence

(id: it is dark ambient, which is a subgenre of ambient)
Last edited by Ville,
Back in action!
Location: FI

never develops into anything interesting; needs to keep changing itself to keep itself interesting, but there isn't one movement that's more interesting than the last. middling stuff.

Also that's not ambient.

Moped Racer
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