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[FIXED] Award bug (2)
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[FIXED] Award bug (2)  
Award bug is not fixed like stated here: http://tm.mania-exchange.com/threads/view/51/award-bug

When i recieved my 30th award, page 1 was empty again (and said there are no awards) but page 2 was still visible. At 31st award all was visible again.

So my guess is that every last award on a page (15,30,45,etc) causes page 1 to show empty and visible again at next received award (16,31,46,etc).
Last edited by MrA,
Quad Bike Racer
Location: NL
I wish I could relate to problems when getting 30 awards. :$

Does that also apply to comments though?
Moped Racer
Location: BE
I don't see any awards or comments on any track page.
I don't even see a button so that I could award a track.

I see new awards all the time in the list on the frontpage so I'm wondering if this problem is not appearing to everybody?
I only see the awards on the frontpage. When I go to any track page there's nothing. :s
..wasn't me
Location: DE
had that too...once to be precise.
I cleared my cache and all other crap coming along with browsers, and was back in business.

maybe it was just pure luck, maybe anything other
G-kart Racer
Location: DE
Me neither, I can't see the awards on every track's page. The bug has started when I tried to award a track, it didn't work, I couldn't post it and after that every awards have been invisible for me.

Learner Driver
Location: IE
Have you force refreshed your browser? This is either Ctrl & F5 or shift & F5, try both.
Surely Retired
Location: GB
Let's make a FAQ about most common bugs like this one with disappearing awards...
G-kart Racer
Location: PL
I don't have dissapearing awards, I just have disorganized ones - for example, someone who awarded my track 3rd might later appear as having awarded it 5th, etc..
Moped Racer
Location: US
Thanks for that Jet! Forgot to add the 'order by' in my query. :p I haven't thoroughly looked at the paging bug; but off the top of my head there's a problem with the math. Our pager isn't your everyday pager where page 1 is page 1, technically for us page 1 is 0. =p I'm thinking of a workaround without actually fixing the entire pager, which is used site-wide. (y)
Deep fried
Location: AU
not a big error: but still:
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
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