Chritmas Calendar Project 2017 - day 11
It was quite late when I woke up and noticed this project. I immediately thought "why the hell not, lets give this my best shot". Luckily there were still free slots to take and I was in. Day 11 was mine.
Not too short, not too long, not too hard, not too easy.. And still there was a track to build. I wanted to use number 11 somehow here but te question was how. 11 seconds? nah, and 1:11 goes bit too long not to mention 11 hours... 11 cps? Maybe. But no, it was too much. So. The racing are is based on 11x11 area ! Hidden but still there and now building was bit easier. A restriction helps.
Uphills, downhills, wider lines, narrower lines, transitions and solid track. Everything that a bit continuously within different colors.. Those are my elements for this map. Sadly the winter mod got updated so the light-blue-icy-like glowing water disappeared and old version is long gone. But I think it's good to use updated version since MP4.
I'm not a pro. I'm still learner what comes to making maps. But everybody can learn. Don't stuck in old ideas, just keep going foward. Now it's your turn to tell if I went to right direction or not. :3 Good luck and have fun !
- Larentz