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 Multi Track A9

by  alvinulv  |  0
AT   01:48.602 |  Valley / ValleyCar   |   Intermediate 
ID  148683 
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I had an idea for a track some time ago. It was to build multiple tracks inside the same track, and the only difference between them would be where the start and checkpoints were (and also the mood, screenshot and Mediatracker). So i made it. Nine tracks, and I have uploaded them all now, this is the last track.

I'm also creating a canyon track like this, I've gotten to seven tracks there so far.
EDIT: The canyon track is (almost) finished, I just need to "edit" the tracks, so that there will be 10 separate tracks, instead of one map file.
EDIT2: The first canyon track, (actually more now) have/has been uploaded to MX: https://tm.mania-exchange.com/s/tr/149200

A8: https://tm.mania-exchange.com/s/tr/148630

Screenshot, because 400 by 290 doesn't look that good: https://imgur.com/a/uk6DMDl
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Name Creator Tracks Etc
Multitrack A  alvinulv 9
Multitracks  alvinulv 47
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