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 Jarago (Final Map)

by  Jarago  |  10
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ID  148695 
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I'd like to present this map called 'Jarago', which stands for... well, name i use for everything. For every single map i made since ~2008 till now. 10 years huh?

While trackmania has unlimited replayability, you may try to reach black screen with big Trackmania logo on it and then credits starts rolling - that's not the case with trackmania games. Unfortunately, even game without end credits has to have the end. And i believe i reached it today.

I present to you my final map. It is not really the good one and i have to admit it was difficult to make it. Not because of making scenery or signs, but because
of lack of my creativity allocation for this game. Past 10 years i was slowly pouring this liquid creativity from the bottle labeled "Trackmania" and on
previous map called "Monster Track" i poured final drops from it.

What i'm trying to say is that i'm no longer able to create more maps, I just had enough of that and i want to use my creativity elsewhere. It started like 2 years ago when i was losing interest in trackmania games, it became harder to enjoy creating maps, i could not come up with new ideas. My map creation process was never planned, everything i created was right on spot in editor, just placed some blocks and see if it is enjoyable. And lately i was just like "no, i used that part too many times already" or "this is too random" or whatever. I had many breaks during these 2 years, i did not play trackmania for months before creating new maps, but after 2-3 maps i lost interest again.

I always loved to create, wanted to see others play my creations and say "Wow, i never seen that yet." With big projects like 'Let's Trial' i spent months on and i was very happy with how trial community enjoyed playing those project. Even the very last project "Monster Track" i was blown away with how many players went through all 100 checkpoints and had their time on server. I can say that trackmania community is the most friendly online game community i've ever been part of and it's what kept me playing it for 10 years.

While this is possibly my last map, i can't say that i'm completely removing maniaplanet from my life. Trackmania would need huge content update or i may need a BIG - years worth of break before returning... maybe i'll play some trial once in a while or create map or two a year but i would much rather focus my creative nature on other things. If you do not know yet, i'm a DJ, even tho not popular yet, it's one of the direction i will dedicate my free time to. For those interested, look for 'Jarago' on mixcloud.

Oh, you actually read it all? While only very few people may read this all, i didn't want to just disappear from game without any word. I'll still be staying on discord server to check for news or discussions and will be translating game in case some updates hit. Hopefully maniaplanet stays somehow active for some more years.

And last but not least - something about this map: Starting from the beginning, you will go through a difficult obstacles and the difficulty won't stop there. Slowly increasing difficulty will ensure you will have to show some skills to get through map. For those who like exploration, those who are patient and observant may discover something pretty amazing in this map. ;)

2020 EDIT: welp...

Thanks for playing my maps! :)
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