This map is based on "
XD - Abandoned Breakfast", but in reverse! Basically what that means is the start and finish line were switched, but also many other adjustments were made with scenery, signs, etc. Mood was also changed accordingly to the mapname. I recommend playing the original map first if you have time on your hands
After revisiting this map, I realised how surprisingly well it could work in reverse. Had to do some adjustments of course. This includes flipping around checkpoints, taking care of boosts, antiboosts and freewheeling sections, etc. And the afformentioned adjustements of scenery and signs.
I tried to keep it as close as possible to the original while improving on it on some occasions, although not very noticeably. It was a fun challenge for me to work with these constraints. I tried to remove not many blocks, while making sure the track works OK in reverse.
Submitted for
MTC January 2020 not to win, not to get a lot of points, or for it to be a great track for beginners, because it was never intended to be any of that.
This is not your usual MTC map! I'm in the process of remaking my maps regardless of this theme, so I would've released this map anyway sooner or later. This theme just came in handy, so why not just submit it