Fortune Faded
First time that I made a timed GPS
GPS (not my best run though but close)
Custom signs (4 signs from this
free pack)
Lots of jumps
A bit of precision driving
Small piece tech style
You can finish it with crashing, so it's checkpoint checked and that's always good for online play!
It's a tricky track at some points but I think you'll manage. There's one jump that I think some of you more skilled guys/girls might crash into the roof. I'm not sure though. I've driven the track a million times and I never had the problem. But when going to fast at some points the track is less smooth, but that's not a problem for me
And I've put a sign there just incase you don't read this, you're still warned. And off course it's not a full speed map so braking is allowed (not that will need it
I hope you guys and girls like it. I do
Feel free to give a comment good or bad. You may criticize, it helps me and others build better tracks as we go. Just keep it clean and fun for everyone to read.
Thank you.
Every comment/award will be taking into consideration for future tracks.