A journey through the cold side of Christmas.
The E-Mail
"Hey Trackmaniac!
Santa needs help! He and his new sled crashed somewhere in the mountains last night and we weren't able to track him down from here. You need to find him, pick him up and bring him back to our safe warm place! He will sure be thankful for that. It is so close to Christmas, what should we do without him?
To be straight up honest, he couldn't withstand the stress of the last nights so decided to spend some time for himself, but as we know our classy Santa, he's been messing things up when late at night! Take your car and hop onto the mountain. Ah and before I forget: The area around contains a hidden place, which you might want to check out... after you saved Santa's butt!"
To the map itself:
While beeing a part of the MX Adventcalendar team, there was not much time and room for other things, but I managed to finish this map before christmas! I admit, it looks all rushed and unfinished on some spots, but I tried to be as clean as possible. I wouldn't have finished that map as quick without
gadoweldosd. He improved the scenery and beta tested the route. Thanks!
The idea of the map is that you are in some cold, rural place where you have to hop on mountains and take some offroad to reach out for Santa. It wasn't intended to be funny, but more epic, instead, because of lack of time, I decided to speed that up by making it less "epic". That meant, that one is not a "you are the hero" map (depends on how you see it though).
Mediatracker everywhere except for podium (there is none) and outro. Music aswell, by Culprate.
Map is crowded with terraforming, Scenery is added by gadoweldosd.
Race Competition
For further information and infos about the Race competition, see
#22 Find Santa
If you find the easteregg, you'll get rewarded with
2000 planets and a candy cane for the adventscalendar leaderboard! How? If you reached it, there will be a text saying that you should take a screenshot of it. Do that, upload it somewhere and send me a PM, with your player login!
Deadline for this is December 26th!
Thanks for playing it! I hope you enjoyed the voyage into a snowy tundra!
excuse: it was late and I just wanted a screen.