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Lagoon Xmas Maps
Lagoon Xmas Maps 02 Dec, 2018
 VMan_2002 (0 comments, 2573 views)  

My Lagoon Xmas 2018 map series is finished, check it out!

Here is the full list of maps:

You must play with a multi-environment title, these maps use a custom vehicle and it won't load properly unless you do.

All maps require this mod http://maniacdn.net/v-man_2002/Mod/LagoonXmas.zip
and this vehicle http://maniacdn.net/v-man_2002/Vehi2.Item.Gbx which goes in the Items folder

Now that all maps are done, time for some things!
You can vote for next year's environment, or submit a car skin or music suggestion for the upcoming title-pack of this map set! If you have other suggestions, write them in the comments!
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