Yo guys,
the map is now finished. And I am really happy with it.
Theme: Choose 10 blocks, and build the map with them!
You can see mine in the bottom of the Thumbnail
I was surprised myself, how many ideas I found and was able to implement into this track with only those 10 blocks to use. All the chosen blocks I use in multiple ways and not just on the road itself.
For using the blocks creatively, I needed transitions from the other blocks in the 10-block limit.
And that worked out surpisingly well.
I decided to build a Canyon map as that is the envi I know the best for building in TM2.
But for this theme, I knew that Canyon is
actually not that suitable.
Following reasons:
1) Main surface is GP in Canyon, but GP is split into left and right parts. Every block is doubled. I really had to be efficient with the GP blocks I choose.
2) The only dragable block is the normal street block. And this one is to narrow and tight to use nicely for corners in the middle of the map. Valley dirt for example is much more suitable for driving. Hence, I didn't use the normal street block and not even a single platform.
3) I can't really use Terraforming for driving. For example the Valley grass mountain one could use for jumps and doing corners though CPs on them. Same in Lagoon.
4) Many Blocksets (like tunnels, Canyon road, road on small mountain, ...) need always a transition block into them, which wastes already 1 block from the 10. So there are not many useful blocksets.
So.. Canyon was quiet a challenge.
The map itself is quiet long to fit all my ideas in. I guess in the end it doesn't feel to be "limited" in blocks. xd At two parts there is a
risky way (GPS shows it), but you can also just take the safe way. Apart from those two parts the map shouldn't be too difficult. Only at the tube you should make sure to be centered at the exit.
I will make a video soon where I talk a bit about the ideas and block usages on the map.
My chosen Blocks:
Those 10 Blocks are to be seen in Thumbnail, in the Intro and into one area of the map
1-2-2 (GP 90° tight corner with signs)
1-2-8 (GP 90° uphill corner)
1-9-1 (GP to Street)
1-9-3 (GP to Platform)
3-7-3 (Wallride)
3-7-7 (Street to Wallride)
4-2-2 (Platform-Tunnel corner)
4-4-4 (Platform-Tunnel to Wallride)
5-2-2 (Tube-Corner)
6-4-1 (Street S-Turn)