Welcome one and all, to my first envmix track, and my submission for MTC-May! I do apologize for not having released a track in such a long time, but I have been awfully busy as of late, but this MTC I just HAD to throw in my contribution. So be prepared to keep calm, and drive backwards, as you
Must Tread Carelessly to succeed!
Coppers: 12809
AuthorTime: 0:55.13
MT Intro/Ingame/Outro/Podium - Yes/Yes/Yes/Yes
Difficulty: 5.5/10
GhostBlockMix: Absolutely
Custom Music: "Reverse Ideology" by S.S.H & Aether
!gnikcarc yppah dna nuf evah ,syawla sa dna kcart siht yojne lla uoy yllufepoH