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Trackmania Turbo Announced
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I've occasionally hooked up my pc to tv to play TM on the big screen but it never felt good. Mainly because you need a keyboard/mouse for alot of functions and the UI is too small. So TM Turbo sounds like something I always wanted. But I hope the multiplayer will still be as good. Not having dedicated servers is already a sign of how consoles use crowd control. I hope it doesn't have a ranking system so you can join whatever server you want. And the amount of players should be 32 at least. Then there's my concern of how track sharing will be. Will we be able to upload a Turbo track here on Mania Exchange and can people reach that from console? Or will there only be an internal sharing system? Can you build a track in the PC version and then copy it to console? I still have to look through the maniaplanet forum so maybe some answers are already given but these are just my first thoughts.
Quad Bike Racer
Location: NL
I play on my TV with my PC there's no problem at all. Being on a giant screen is just something to get used to, it's not about how convenient it is or not, that's like pad/kb players.
Last edited by drhugs,
Quad Bike Racer
Moped Racer
Location: SE
Seems like a new video. Cool stuff. I still think that heli drop looks like the start of black velvet. Hmm. =p
Last edited by GR.,
Quad Bike Racer
Location: NL
Ha. That's the exact same thing I thought about when I first saw it. Will we be getting another remake? ;) A lot of noobs online can't figure out how to do it on TM2.

edit: wow, I just realised I replied to a 2 month old post. This place is really nothing but dust now
Last edited by irondragons,
Moped Racer
Is this going to be a reincarnation of TM Stadium. It looks pretty cool. I haven't been here in ages. The place sure seems to have slowed down a lot but oh, those wonderful old memories (l)
Old Age Caravanner
Location: IN
Smok3y! Great to see you back dude! :o
Back in action!
Location: FI
Originally Turbo was set to be released tomorrow. But it's been pushed back, as some of you may have already read: https://forum.maniaplanet.com/viewtopic.php?p=252696#p252696
Site Leader
Location: US
haven't done the tldr part, but i'm looking forward to the blank slate of turbo..
no track import means no oldies beside remakes
loves Foolspeed
Location: NL
Open Beta this weekend on PS4 and Xbox One (not on PC). Starts on March 18 and ends on March 21. Full game will be available for all platforms the next day on March 22 for America and on March 24 for Europe (if I'm corect).

Download size: PS4 (3.8 GB), XOne (3.94 GB). Although my PS4 says 2.47 GB.

@blinny: No track import means no need for remakes to prevent unauthorized buggy imports. So blank slate ftw indeed. ;)
Last edited by GR.,
Quad Bike Racer
Location: NL
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