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Planet Competitions
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TrackPage: ClicK
TMUF but you can win planets!

Track is located in small archipelago.
Take pleasure from scenery, MT and music and break WR.

Planets competition here:

1st place: 3000 cc / 1500 planets
2nd place: 2000 cc / 1000 planets
3rd place: 1500 cc / 750 planets
4th place: 1000 cc / 500 planets
5th place: 500 cc / 250 planets
Deadline: 1st October 2015 20:00 CET :wait:

*instead of coppers you can win planets, if you want to exchange prize:
2 coppers = 1 planet
Last edited by ketrab,
G-kart Racer
Location: PL

The prizes:

:gold: Replay better than 30.94 gets 1000 Planets.
:silver: Replay between 30.95 and 31.50 gets 500 Planets.
:bronze: Replay above 31.50 gets 250 Planets.

Send your login by private message after you submit the replay: Like previously, I'm sending the Planets as I receive your logins.

Deadline: 15/October/2015
G-kart Racer
Location: BR
[Bad Track/Map Link]

Hey guys, I've got a small competition for you on a crazy track I made :cool:

I will give 3000 planets to the person with the fastest replay before the deadline! :gold:

October 11th at Midnight CEST

Good luck and I hope you enjoy the track :)

Contest closed: Clem wins the 3000 planets with a time of 1:31.988
Last edited by Dodeka,
Old Age Caravanner
Location: CA

A little fullspeder, which should be nice for rec-hunting. Have fun :cool:

Planets Competition -CLOSED-

Deadline: 1st November 2015 22:00 CET

1st place 5000 planets craicy.esu
2nd place 4000 planets Pr3c4rio
3rd place 3000 planets *aAa* Clément
4th place 2500 planets Lewis
5th place 2000 planets iGn.DDaems
6th place 1500 planets spX Seven
7th place 1000 planets LostGamer
8th place 750 planets ddbb
9th place 500 planets dMw
10th place 250 planets Dodeka
Last edited by MoniTor,
Learner Driver
Location: AT
Post Remove  
Last edited by Julius,
Trying Unique Idea
Location: CA
Lets go again :)

All new times below 18.15 are awaded with 1000 planets!

PM me login!

Deadline 2015/11/30
Last edited by coshank,
Old Age Caravanner

Little Halloween Contest for all Friend and Fans :)

1. Place 3000 Planets coshank»BCS :gold:
2. Place 2000 Planets NeKz :silver:
3. Place 1000 Planets LostGamer :bronze:

Deadline : FINISHED

Have Fun

Last edited by Mr.DVD,
Old Age Caravanner
Location: DE
CASH PRICE because nobody see the post  
Welcome in a new kind of mapping

I let you guys read the description of the map in the link

Because i guess it's a unique map, the price will be big i guess !

The One who get the first before the deadline win 10 000 Planets and 20$ ( need Paypal account ).

And a Video will be post of all the replay.

Deadline : 20/11/15 ( 20 November 2015 ) at 23:59 CET

Last edited by Julius,
Trying Unique Idea
Location: CA
Miška's Hunt

So, competition is simple :) . Beat my AT on this 30 sec tech and i will give 1st person to achieve that 20 000 Maniaplanets :) . Good Hunt :)
Last edited by Michelle,
Learner Driver
Hey Mx forum :d
Here's a small contest:
The winner will have to release the best time he can
on this track :
before december 6th.

:done: first price 10 000 planets
:done: 2nd price 3 000 planets.

I hope you will be a lot to try :build:
Location: FR
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