Meh.. thought i'd share them here also if you haven't seen them.
There aren't a lot at the moment, but more will come and i will update the topic
Trackmania 2: Canyon Unofficial Trailer
YouTube -
Unofficial trailer i made during beta for the media publishing lift.
Ze Run - October 2011
Youtube -
Presenting the winner replay for October's FreestyleCup
YouTube -
Freestylevideo I promised Bikar to make (Most of it is TM1, but also some Canyon)
Valentine (IMC5)
YouTube -
My contribution to IMC5. Theme was to create a "one camera" video with no visible cuts
I placed 3rd
Nyan Car
Tm-Tube -
Video for the Best Game Movie competition @TG12, which i finished 1st with 800€
The Maniaplanet
YouTube -
Video for the Freestyle video competition @TG12, which finished 4th
BMW i8 Commercial: "The Future is now"
Tm-Tube YouTube
Short commercial for the car BMW i8 featuring some blocks from Coastkid