Welcome to the ManiaExchange BASCO 2014 Stage 8 - The Screenshot and MT Stage, where BASCO stands for "Build A Stage COmpetition"
It will replace the Monthly Track Contest (MTC), September and October 2014.
What is a BASCO? The BASCO is a competition separated into 8 stages: The Route (6 Stages), the Scenery (1 Stage) and the Mediatracker/Screenshot (1 Stage). Each stage consists of a few days for building and a few days for judging.
In each stage you continue on what has already been built in the previous stages and fight against your competitors for the best part, which will continue the map.
For the MT you are allowed to use create everything you want, but don't overdo it
Validate and save the Map as S#-YourAuthorName (S#= Stage #, so replace # with the current stage number) and upload it to the mapgroup for this BASCO.
Create up to three beautiful Screenshots and post them here in the thread. At best a big (optional) and a 400x290px version.
If you won a previous stage already, you're still allowed to submit to the MT stage. You're also allowed to submit to the MT and the Screenshot competition at the same time
Judging Judging will be a bit different this time:[list]
Everyone is allowed to judge, even players who submitted a map/Screenshot (just give your own map a 10)
In order to judge you will have to fill out a form and enter your name in a list on mx to verify your judging. (The link and the exact spot to enter your name will be provided once the judging begins.)
Every part will be judged with marks from 1 (bad) to 10 (good).
Note that you have to judge a stage entirely, you cannot judge only half of it.
Yes, we'll use the same system for Screenshots too.
Good luck and have fun! If you have any questions, please ask.
EDIT: You're allowed to submit up to three screenshots now