the problem is , u cant load neither the small nor the big screenshots into a manialink, as they have not the ending jpg.
i asume u load them as blob out of a database ?
quad 1 ->> gives no image on a manialink.
quad 2->> gives an image on a manialink.
(had to remove tagsbecourse u aint have the [c ode] tag
[quad id="1" image="" posn="36 32.5 2" sizen="8 6"/>
[quad id="2" image="" posn="36 40.5 2" sizen="8 6"/>
so in the first case i have to get the image as string, put it into a locale file and then - i should show it in a manialink, which does not work at the moment at least for me.
so the third option i would have is , to load the imagestring, put it into a remote webserver and then i can show it in a manialink, which of course take to much time for a plugin.