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The screenshot must show the track
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The screenshot must show the track  
We had this rule on tmx, and co'z there's no second screen it's impossible to get a view of the actual track..

btw: I'd like to have this 'second screen' option here too :)
Old Age Caravanner
Location: DE
G-kart Racer
Location: DE

Let the author decide whether or not s/he want to give a glimpse of the track through a screenshot, or of s/he rather wants to have a cool picture, that might not show a picture of the track, but still be related.

Example: Calling a track "The moon", and a picture of the moon might be appropriate.
G-kart Racer
Location: NO
yea but the point is that I wanna see the track I'm downloading.
Old Age Caravanner
Location: DE
+1 on additional screenshots, -1 on the rule. Some tracks are hard to fit in one screenshot, while others are entirely enclosed, and in addition not everyone wants to be forced to have a wide-view screenshot and would prefer to have one at track level (like F-Zero), showing a signature portion of the track (like the 3D Mario Kart games), or something related but not on the track (Crusin' series).
Rise from the ashes!
Location: US
eie says:
Example: Calling a track "The moon", and a picture of the moon might be appropriate.

Why would I download a track I have no idea about? Is this a track with a huge jump, a track with a moon mod, a track with MT, or just a speedtech with a neat name?

But hell it's your track, and it's my choice to download only tracks with sensible screenshots...
Moped Racer
Location: BE
Enai Siaion says:
But hell it's your track, and it's my choice to download only tracks with sensible screenshots...

It's the author's choice whether or not s/he want to make a screenshot of a track or something unrelated.
It's the people's choice whether or not they want to download a track with a screenshot of the track or if they don't care.
It's the author's fault if they get fewer download because of their screenshot.
It's the people's fault if they miss a cool track because of a screenshot.

But goddammit, why make a stupid rule just because people can't make their own choices, whether that's good or bad idea...
G-kart Racer
Location: NO
Can't seem to see it mentioned here, but anyway ...

This rule does not apply any more. The screenshot must represent the track. MrA said this somewhere. (y)

... says:
Example: Calling a track "The moon", and a picture of the moon might be appropriate.

This is an acceptable example. Don't try push your luck if your track is a penis and you upload a screenshot of one; this is not acceptable. :p
Deep fried
Location: AU
lol@last example :d but actually I don't really care :p
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
i agree with this, it should be about track quality and not corny screenshots.
Learner Driver
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