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Track WR listing issues
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Track WR listing issues  
As Skunky noted here, the WR ranking of the track shows the (currently three) worst times on top.

Also, I posted a time of 00:25.285 and when I drove a better time of 00:24.82 and tried to upload it ten minutes later, I got the message that "Your best time does not qualify for submission." How would that be? My first record is still shown, i.e. within the top times, and my new time is better.
Last edited by ohei2,
Be as you wish to seem.
Location: DE
I'm aware of those bugs and they have been fixed (at least one *I think*). I believe that the incorrect order of positions is causing the qualifying submission error.
Deep fried
Location: AU

Sorting order seems to have been fixed now, but I still can't upload my 24.xxx, which is better than the 25.xxx on the last place.
Be as you wish to seem.
Location: DE
Investigating ...
Deep fried
Location: AU
Just tried again since my record still is within the top times.

Still does not work: Your best time does not qualify for submission.

The replay in question is available if you need it for further investigation.

Is it generally not possible to upload two replays? That would really be a major bug. Has someone been able to successfully improve his time on a track?
Last edited by ohei2,
Be as you wish to seem.
Location: DE
One query checks for an existing time for your existing replay (regardless of the position), while the query that gets the information for that replay also ensures a position is not null (which is impossible because all replays outside the top 25 are null). :s

Both queries will not check the state of a position. Your new time is compared with the existing time as well as the effective time (your best time - (minus) 25th's best time (0 if there is no 25th)).

Logical error I never picked up one. Hopefully it's fixed now. (brb)
Deep fried
Location: AU
May be the cache needs to be cleared or some, but I still cannot upload. Same error message as before.
Be as you wish to seem.
Location: DE
Thanks for trying again. I'll continue working on it soon. ;)
Deep fried
Location: AU
Can you confirm it works now?
Deep fried
Location: AU
Sorry, I can't. My replay went out of range in the meantime.
Be as you wish to seem.
Location: DE
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