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 MTC - Dust Buffet

by  Arkive  |  0
It's a start
AT   01:14.331 |  Canyon / ValleyCar   |   Advanced 
ID  104128 
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 Author Comments
MP4 UPDATE: Due to a mediatracker bug, the GPS had to be re-added. It's the same as before, but it did require revalidating the course. The Author Time is now easier from a raw time standpoint (from 1:11-ish to 1:14-ish), though physics changes to the ValleyCar means that it might be slower on dirt than before (I also didn't put a lot of time into revalidating, so it's not the most perfect time). Shadows have been recalculated, but (besides revalidating) no other changes have been made.

Only the most finely prepared dust available in an all-you-can-eat buffet.

This course was designed for the April 2016 Monthly Track Contest! This month, you were only allowed to use 10 different block IDs in the entire course (excluding start/finish/checkpoint blocks). You can see my selection at the bottom of the description or by waiting three seconds past the end of the course intro. I decided to go for a Valley dirt course, but I decided to do it with the Canyon environment since its offroad is all dirt as opposed to grass. Be prepared to hug those canyon walls and squeeze through some tight spots. Get your drifts right and you can speed through this course.

- Ultra quality shadows!
- Intro, In-Game, Outro, and Podium sequences (Yes, I used one of my blocks just to get a podium in)!
- 8500 coppers of scenery! Doesn't that sunset look pretty?
- Modified medal times!

Good luck and have fun!

Want to see some fancy screenshots? Take a look at this album on Imgur!

Get a feel for the course by watching my YouTube video! Alternatively, if you don't want all the fancy cams, you can watch this version instead.

Pieces Used
Here is a reference image.
1: 9-1-6 (Tree Grove)
2: 3-7-3 (Platform Sign)
3: 9-3-1 (Cliffside Wall)
4: 9-3-2 (Cliffside Inner Corner)
5: 9-3-3 (Cliffside Outer Corner)
6: 1-1-5 (GP Corner)
7: 1-1-1 (GP Straight)
8: 1-8-1 (GP Boost)
9: 1-1-10 (GP Ramp)
10: 11-1 (Podium, not in picture)
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