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 MTC - Backwater Base

by  Arkive  |  0
MTC 2nd Place
Open to feedback
AT   01:12.583 |  Canyon / ValleyCar   |   Intermediate 
ID  115463 
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 Author Comments
MP4 UPDATE: Due to physics changes, the jump at the start just barely didn't work. As such, I added a couple items to make it work again (one for the jump, and another to prevent the jump from making a CP unrespawnable). As such, I have also updated the GPS to reflect the new changes. The AT had to be updated as well, and is slightly slower than before. Other medal times have not changed.

It might be in the middle of nowhere, but this base is still good for some racing.

Made for the January 2017 Monthly Track Contest, this course made me think a bit differently for building. The theme was simple: keep the scenery cost at or under 3500 coppers and have two reused sets of blocks in the route. I like decorating my maps to the max and I'm not someone who reuses pieces often. Therefore, this theme really challenged me, particularly in terms of the reuse aspect (I wanted to do more scenery, but it's not very hard to leave out unnecessary blocks). Hopefully the course turned out alright!

- ValleyCar on Canyon action!
- Ultra quality shadows!
- Intro, In-game, Outro, and Podium sequences!
- 3495 coppers of budget building!
- Modified medal times!

Good luck and have fun!

Want to see some fancy screenshots? Take a look at this album on Imgur!

Watch the author time here! Alternatively, watch the replay without the outro cams here!
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C-FlatMesh.Item.gbx xrayjay
C-FlatMeshHalf.Item.gbx xrayjay
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