Here is the official first map of
Flickering Paradise Serie (or FPS)
The idea is almost simple:
Give to some people the same map with only a few blocks (mostly checkpoints, start and finish(es)) , ask them to map a track on it (with or without restriction) and then mix all of them in only one map.
The result is a chaotic track with mixmapping everywhere and a lot of possibility to finish the map.
That concept is for people who want some puzzle map, with pathfinding and trial-ish challenges.
Thanks to
SioulB and
Roche who did one part of the track and so help me to realize that funny idea!
If you want to be part of the project and map for next track of the serie, contact me! I'll be happy to have new mappers!
Have Good Fun Luck!
If you want to play of the mixed map,
Roche released is own part with a lot more attention for scenery and track: