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 (mtc) Not alone

by  XT»Marti  |  10
It's a start
Open to feedback
AT   00:42.745 |  Canyon / CanyonCar   |   Intermediate 
ID  29106 
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# Record User Score Date
1st   00:47.080  Vincent Vega 10 (100%)
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 Author Comments
Hi there!

It's been not so very long since my previous track (2 months is not such a long time when you got stuff to do), but here is my new map for this month's mtc. Theme: build a track that is driveable in both directions.

I had a hard time making the two routes go over (almost) exactly the same blocks, but finally I managed to make it so that you drive the same track (in either direction) for about 80 percent of the time. And still I could put some transitions in! yay ^^

This track is a little harder than my usual stuff: because of all the restrictions I saw no other possibility than to make a tech track. Not my usual stuff, as said. It's still pretty fast for a techie, so I like to call it speedtech. Call it whatever you want ;)

My main problem this month was time: I had only barely finished this track at the deadline. As a result: no intro, no outro. Sorry for that, I hope you guys don't miss it too much... I'm not to good at doing those anyway.
Now on a special note: Alcator (mtc host) said that it would be nice to have almost full bidirectionality (is that even a real word) because online, people would constantly meet each other. To me, it seemed like a nice idea indeed at first. Now that I finished the track, I'm not so sure anymore... I mean, having a constant flow of cars heading in the exact opposite direction isn't gonna help your driving. But that might be just my idea, we'll see how it works out.

fun fact: I dunno about rounds maps on servers, but I think you can keep driving after you finished, right? Even on single lap-tracks. I thought of that in this map, so in fact you should be able to continuously drive this map online, gaining a better time every next round :) not sure if servers work like that though.

Last of all: the two routes are almost even in length! :cool: I tried hard to make it so, and they only differ some hundreths. I hope that adds to the hunting spirit :) The orange route is just a little faster when done right, but is unrespawnable. That means, it is respawnable, but you'd have to make a 180 degree turn whenever you respawn. Not my idea of flow either.

Wuw, this text turned out to be a little longer than I'd thought.
Anyway: thanks for reading, and I hope you'll have fun!

See you on track (y)
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