Simple but not. Easy but hard, fun but aggravating, black but white. It is a track, no CP's again, so don't wreck. My latest tracks, to me, are boring. This does not mean that I don't think that other users will hate them. I just think that once a block mixing editor comes out, I will be able to produce the tracks like I did with the original TM Stadium. Well if you enjoy this track, let me know. Just to let you all know what type of tracks I like to build, they will be full of speed, jumps, wall rides, twists, loops and sometimes with no CP's. I try to integrate speed, tech, and rpg together on my tracks with a wide track lane so your not bouncing off walls when hitting corners and such. I like smooth but fast transitions. This is why I am hoping a new version of the block mixing editor comes out. But until then, enjoy.