A speedy-ish mild tech track with a few tricky sections. I had a lot of fun validating this one.
There's an intro and a little bit of in-game mediatracker as well.
I got rid of the custom music because the locator didn't work and I really like Prof. Kliq's Valley soundtrack.
Every ridiculous advertisement on this track has a locator, but in the seemingly likely case the locator doesn't work you can download all the ads here:
Fox's Fictional Fake Ads
And just extract the zip to your Skins/Any/Advertisement folder in the maniaplanet user directory.
You can still download the MUX of Reality Slash here:
Vertigo Fox - Reality Slash, and just put it in your Media/Musics folder.
Also look to see Reality Slash on my upcoming album Animorphism, to be released on
http://vertigofox.bandcamp.com sometime in early December.