Hello all! I can finally present my second canyon track! I built the track itself pretty quick in a couple of hours but finding enough interest for intro, gps & screen took a bit longer... Anyway it's now ready and ready for racing!
The track has a couple of transitions but generally it's pretty basic tech track without too many jumps. With some corners your have to select whether use the brake & make the car slide or not.
Basic information
Style: tech
Length: 44 seconds
Difficulty: intermediate
Mood: day
Screenshot by me!!
Medal times
You don't need to know them online and at solo you can see them yourself so I won't tell about them here.
Yes, I'm too lazy to open the game again ^^
Beta testers
Makikou - testing & computing shadows for me with his superüber computer!
Well gogo & have fun!
BotW #1 29.9.2011 - thx all!