Hiyaz :
This Is a FullSpeed Track, This is a very good Online track, track is good for Rounds and TA Racing . Mountain Jump, Aim For The Tree on The Left, if done right you will land on the platform just right.
*** Note: when respawning at first CP, Aim For the tree on the Left ***
you will go inside the platform if done right, sorry i couldnt make a ghost to follow, you would hit the clip when you land on the platform. Drive all the way to the end and turn right. But i do have a ghost if you hit the platform and land on the grass, you dont have to respawn at 1st CP just follow the ghost.
Its a easy layout with decent jumps,With good flow, anyone should be able finish, you can crash anywhere and still finish it.
Track consist of the Following:
GPS and One Respawn Ghost:done:
Challenge Factor
Coppers 7023
Track Size 734 KB
Custom Music



Have fun And Enjoy !!!