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 Escape Metric

by  matto  |  10
It's a start
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AT   00:45.942 |  Stadium / StadiumCar   |   Intermediate 
ID  80968 
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1st   00:49.802  Val 10 (100%)
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 Author Comments
Hello. For those of you who never heard of me, let me just say that I'm not new. I didn't buy TM2 because I wouldn't play it, but now with the opportunity of the free demo I decided to publish my new TMNF track here as well. I hope the colour FX are working properly because all I did with the MT work is to straight-forward import it. So what else is there to say? This is a stadium technical map, not the easiest that I've built, but it isn't difficult either. Some slides require good skill though. Basically my idea was to build a continuation to my older track Singularity. A continuation in the sense that I imagined what would happen if the track "collapsed" onto itself. In a very compact building area I tried to fit many road blocks together, forming a path that continuously circles around a mid point, a point of attraction. Then in the end you gather just as much speed to make it away from the center and escape. Hence the name, Escape Metric, for which I was inspired by some thoughts about General Relativity. We call "metric" a solution of Einstein's equations that express the structure of space-time, given a mass distribution. Light always travels in a straight line in the metric, even though the metric itself could be curved - that is, curved according to a distant observer. Locally you will never feel what your metric looks like: it will just be "straight". Even more, the metric defines what is straight in your system.
Black holes are believed to form when the structure of space-time is held so tight together (by a mass distribution, remember) that even light can't escape that specific region. It circles around? It just stays there? We don't know. We only know that if you keep going straight, and enter a black hole, the shape of your "straight" changes so that you don't go across the hole, you keep staying in it.
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