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 Dreaming of a White Christmas

by  Skellborn  |  25
High quality
AT   07:21.195 |  Stadium / StadiumCar   |   Intermediate 
ID  97506 
 Visible (approved) |  Released 
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 shortz  |    shortz Productions
 Skellborn  |    Yannik Heuser
 Offline records
# Record User Score Date
1st   05:49.135  Marius 89 25 (100%)
2nd   06:00.145  Voyager006 20 (80%)
3rd   06:19.968  RayRaven 16.25 (65%)
4th   10:07.427  bigben 13.75 (55%)
5th   19:21.201  haenry 11.5 (46%)
6th   31:21.778  gugaruz 10 (40%)
 Dedimania recordsView on Dedimania
 Author Comments
So yeah... the map is dead with the update...
The splitversions are at least still loadable, so maybe i will take the time to put these two into the big one once again. But no promises here, as it is a lot of work (need to replace many blocks...)

I tried to open the map with mp3, create macroblocks out of it and transfer it to mp4, as this worked with "the lost city of heradin". As the game keeps crashing with placing the last couple of macroblocks no matter what i try, it seems like the map will stay dead :-/

Hohoho :cool:

My present for the MX Adventcalendar 2015!
Before i start, i'd like to thank 3 people, which helped me to finish it:

1.) Ozon for his awesome screenshot :)

2.) Maxi for his crazy custom model of the rudolph-car 8-|

3.) And finally Skyslide! As you can see in the embedded objects list, he customly created so many blocks JUST for this map! BIG shoutouts to him! (l)

Well and i should mention Haenry as well, as he answered hundreds of questions and helped me with some technical stuff :$

You can find two different videos on youtube this time:


It wasn't planned to reach 80k CC, but it happened. The fps are alright (for that size at least) except 4 or 5 areas of 3-5 seconds, where it lags a lot even with good hardware.
As i'm aware of how annoying that can be, i decided to split the map into 2 smaller ones as well. which can be downloaded from here:

Part 1
Part 2

With Skyslides help, i was able to put a trigger at the end of the first part, which lets you download the second one ingame and automatically starts it as well! You'll get a mt-notice ingame at the end of the track, so you know where to drive for it to activate!

Now lets get to the map itself:
After 2 1/2 months of hard work, i proudly present you my first, at least kinda "real" RPG track. The design of the path is somewhat compareable to Golo's super genius [RPG] nameless track, which means there should be no pathfinding whatsoever. (It obviously doesn't reach the awesomeness of golos map in any other belongings (and i don't think even in that specific one...) :cool: )
I apologise for any bad experience you may have, i tried my best to finish such a big map in this "small" window of time.

If you want to use the sleigh as your car, here you go

I guess that's it... enjoy!
I'm always open for feedback!

Thank you to all of you for the awards!
It's really appreciated, even though i mainly build for the fun of it, it always acts as a fuel for motivation! (l)

And don't worry Golo, i already have precise ideas (and already started building them :d) for at least 3 tracks for the future.
I'm just happy, that there's no more time pressure, as it was quite annoying to build with a certain date in mind.
 Embedded objects47 Objects
Object IX? Object author
GrassBooster_1.Item.gbx Skyslide
GrassBooster_2.Item.gbx Skyslide
65_1_100_#3.Item.gbx Not signed
Blackfaces_qaud#2.Item.gbx Skyslide
Blackfaces_triangle#2.Item.gbx Skyslide
BlackQuad.Item.gbx Skyslide
CMT_spheres_red.Item.gbx Skyslide
CMT_spheres_violet.Item.gbx Skyslide
CMT_spheres_yellow.Item.gbx Skyslide
65_4_100_#2.Item.gbx Not signed
65_4_100_#3.Item.gbx Not signed
InvSurface#1.Item.gbx Skyslide
InvSurface#2.Item.gbx Skyslide
InvSurface#3.Item.gbx Skyslide
InvSurface#4.Item.gbx Skyslide
Loop_32.Item.gbx Skyslide
WaterSquare#2.Item.gbx Skyslide
WaterSquare#3.Item.gbx Skyslide
WaterSquare#4.Item.gbx Skyslide
Dach.Item.gbx Skyslide
FensterSeite.Item.gbx Skyslide
Schorni.Item.gbx Skyslide
Schorni_Rauch.Item.gbx Skyslide
TürSeite.Item.gbx Skyslide
Hufe.Item.gbx RPG
StoneBlue.Item.gbx RPG
StoneGreen.Item.gbx RPG
StoneRed.Item.gbx RPG
StoneViolet.Item.gbx RPG
StoneYellow.Item.gbx RPG
LightBarCurve#1_blue.Item.gbx Skyslide
LightBarCurve#2_blue.Item.gbx Skyslide
LightBarStraight_blue.Item.gbx Skyslide
Blue_Straight1.Item.gbx Skyslide
LightBarCurve#1_green.Item.gbx Skyslide
LightBarStraight_green.Item.gbx Skyslide
Green_Straight1.Item.gbx Skyslide
LightBarStraight_red.Item.gbx Skyslide
Red_Straight1.Item.gbx Skyslide
LightBarStraight_white.Item.gbx Skyslide
White_Straight1.Item.gbx Skyslide
LightBarStraight_yellow.Item.gbx Skyslide
Yellow_Straight1.Item.gbx Skyslide
Elevator_02_Mx.Item.gbx Maxi031
Elevator_10_Mx.Item.gbx Maxi031
Finish_invisible_Mx.Item.gbx YourName
Start_invisible_Mx.Item.gbx YourName
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