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My new track doesn't show up on the page...
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My new track doesn't show up on the page...  
Hello everybody,

I have just uploaded a new track (ID:11586) but it doesn't been listed in "latest tracks" on the homepage. I have even waited a hour that it shows up but it doesn't.

When I go to my profile it says that I have now 3 Tracks but when I click on "manage" than the list does not show my new track. :s

EDIT: It doesn't even show up on "Find Tracks"!

What happened there? I just uploaded the track normally so I don't think that I do something wrong.

Please respond


Last edited by Balkespower,
Learner Driver
Location: DE
you've hidden it. on the trackpage on the right there should be sometinhg like hidden (by author) or so, and there's a link called Show, press it ^^
Last edited by Space,
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
Do you mean the new option "Status" in "author options? Well.. by me there is nothing next to the "status". Just a white blank space. I have tried to download my track but it redirects me to the homepage then...

I have just uploaded it and write my comment to it. I did not see there any option where you can hide your track (but why would someone hide his track?)

EDIT: I use Mozilla Firefox with ADBlock Plus (is disabled on this site).
Last edited by Balkespower,
Learner Driver
Location: DE
Interesting. I don't see the Hide/Unhide options either. I see Update and Delete stuff, but the status row is blank. Forzyy?
Sports Saloon Racer
Location: US
Same problem for me, and we should not be alone... there are the same tracks since 2 hours on the front page....
The problem is not (for me) to get shown on the front page, I have a bad idea about the awarding system here, but that is not the question, the problem is that the track is not viewable AND not downloadable...
Do we have to Upload our track on personnal FTP, or on online storage to play with it?
Last edited by TotofuS,
Learner Driver
Location: FR
no, you don't. I hope forzy will fix everything soon.
statuses on all tracks are empty... :-w
Last edited by Space,
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
I feel very angry about one thing... some lucky authors had their tracks been showed on the homepage during many hours, and ours... not, and they may never appears on it, because many tracks have been uploaded during the time the problem is still not solved...
And what MX can do with that?? showing all tracks on a spécial page?? I think that it is not possible!
Would MX make something for us, just to remain equality, not sure... As I said before, the showing/awarding system is corrupted (it's my opinion) and this problem will not help...

Sorry for using this post to explain my angryness but I can not see any solution to repair the problem for those who have uploaded their tracks during the bug...
Learner Driver
Location: FR
it's just a random accident, why should someone do something for you because of bug? and wouldn't it be possible to reupload the track?
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
Something strange has happened to the tracks counter, the site thinks it has only a handful of tracks. As far as I can tell, the random track feature seems to think this as well.

We will fix it as soon as we can, in the meantime it seems all tracks are there, its just that the find tracks function disagrees. The custom search does still work though if you search for Author Name?

use the link below to post links to your tracks
http://tm.mania-exchange.com/threads/view/1057?postid=14846 (downloads might be though too??)
Last edited by MrA,
Surely Retired
Location: GB
Nope it doesn't work either. I have typed my Username and the site only shows my first two tracks that I uploaded before this bug. I cannot actually download the tracks that are a victim of this bug from their Trackpage.

If you click on Download you will be redirected to the main page. If you click on "Install & play" you get the message "http failure 500" In-Game!
Last edited by Balkespower,
Learner Driver
Location: DE
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