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[FIXED][track = full] 364782 [ /track]
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[FIXED][track = full] 364782 [ /track]  
hello everyone :)

ok this as been fine with me since mx started, but today "11-2-2012" i can not post links to my tracks
which also means i can not update the World Rally project i have running in the Project & comp forums :@
when i add the [track = full] 37658399 [ /track] "note without spaces" no pic show's up
and the text wording disappears, when i return to edit it....its still there

anyone else got this ?

best wishes wraith
Last edited by Forzyy,
Location: GB
second that. and when can we hope for track and track=short? it's more important than having gradient menus and custom background -.-
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
Forzyy was going to change the bbcode parser to something faster. If he did, that might have caused it to break.

Thanks for the report here.
Site Leader
Location: US
No updates have been released since the last one. The current parser never worked the way I intended it too. It's why the track formatters are a slap-dash job. =p

I'll detail the new parser on the blog after the next update. ;)
Deep fried
Location: AU
but why as it been fine for me since mx started till i become a surrporter for mx, then you's add me to the list of mx surrporter's then i can not add links !...now that sounds funny to me, if you have not made any updates, in the last 24hrs

Location: GB
I just noticed the ID you used.
37658399 (or 364782 in the topic title)

Those are both really big numbers.

The ID's on MX only go up to 14943 so far.

Your two latest World Rally tracks are
14520 and 14804

I'll try using the tags below:

Works fine.
Last edited by eyebo,
Site Leader
Location: US
lol it was a example number buddy......
what makes me laugh tho i just went back to my post, in my tracks just to check on it..
and my last track is now showing ! WTF !
you guys been in and done something ?

Location: GB
I didn't touch anything.
But I'm glad it's working now.

I know sometimes I go to a page and the pictures don't load right away. I see a number or a blank space in place of it, but If I give it a few moments it finally loads, unless I click something else first... then it interrupts the loading... so maybe that's what happened with you earlier.
Site Leader
Location: US
maybe buddy ^^^

funny tho took 24hrs to work, but hey its working for me again so i am happy for now lol
whats was wrong i do not know...guess it was one night MX wanted a rest :@ did not want
to play the game with us =p lol
subject closed for me :)
Location: GB
The [track=full]1[/track] will not load through AJAX any more. Also, the formatter is fully functioning now and responds to all supported display methods.

The formatter will also respond to "map", like so:

Deep fried
Location: AU
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