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Even today, I was ranked ahead of 38200 points, now I have them less than 37800 have not changed WRs.
I also replays the same. If someone removed the track or updated it should not have less replays?
G-kart Racer
Location: PL
If a track gets deleted, or you get knocked out of the top 25, you will lose those points.

Keep in mind that the LB system is based on percentages. As you get beaten, you get less and less of what the top driver has. But at the same time, what the top driver has increases as replays are added. There's more math to this than I care to do at the moment :p
Sports Saloon Racer
Location: US
Highly unlikely I'd rather a few minutes flew from the top 25, and even if I would have to be the last places on many tracks, where, and so the low percentage of points I'd had them from 20 to max 40, and lose in that time more than 400 points ? Probably not possible. And it also means that these replays and so should disappear.
G-kart Racer
Location: PL
I posted a replay on a track, and since then, I've been bumped from the top ten. The track still shows up when I click on my replays, but I'm not on the track page.
Sports Saloon Racer
Location: US
We've been beating a lot of your early replays Jarek. You might have noticed the Play All Tracks project in the Projects and Competitions forum.
Site Leader
Location: US
Using the system outlined here

For me to lose points when a new replay is added, I must be low on the list, and the new replay can't be too many places above mine. I would lose up to 2, depending on the exact circumstances (maybe more, but that would be rare). 1 point here and there is a lot when you add up hundreds of tracks and multiple drivers on those tracks. It is feasible to lose 400 points to other replays.

Sports Saloon Racer
Location: US
I know that it is possible to lose as many points, but not less than one hour. After that, it is possible to search by activity on the tracks at the replays, I set it: the last activity on the route, which I had placed a repeat was the same day, only one where you have gained about 40 points, so if the replays do not disappear, because I have the same so I lost a point in ways that uttered?
I'm sorry if I misunderstood something but I'm not good at English and hard to translate something, to write the text I use a translator, so sure is full of errors. :)
G-kart Racer
Location: PL
I don't know about the others in the Play All Tracks project, but I know just by paying attention to the number by eyebo's name that he plays the tracks in spurts. I would imagine that the replays that follow also come in relatively close succession. I would still think it's feasible to lose that many points in 1 hour.
Sports Saloon Racer
Location: US
Yeah, I usually do around 40 tracks in quick succession... and then take a day or two off.
Site Leader
Location: US
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