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Self-notification bug
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Heres a pic forzyy sendt me earlier today while testing.

Last edited by chuckie,
Does it djent?
Location: NO
I think its interesting and could turn out cool, but maybe let users turn it on and off, i dont mean via their account page as thats quite a long route, but maybe some quick on/off switch somewhere for it.
Last edited by MrA,
Surely Retired
Location: GB
Forzyy says:

What nope!?

You guys barrely stayed alive begging the money together to keep this site up and now you do this?

I'm sure I'm the one not getting it...
Old Age Caravanner
Location: NL
zarexz says:
You guys barrely stayed alive begging the money together to keep this site up and now you do this?

I'm sure I'm the one not getting it...

As part of that we had to move servers, so although our new server is a much cheaper overall package, in terms of network usage we are better off, to the extent that we dont really need to worry about it. We are much worse off in terms of disk space available and RAID configuration.

So this kind of 'fun' feature will really not make any difference for us in terms of costs.
Last edited by MrA,
Surely Retired
Location: GB
Someone PM me. Wanna see dat notification
Beetle Racer
Location: DE
metoxys says:
Someone PM me. Wanna see dat notification

done :done:
Beetle Racer
Location: SE
SPIDER (207) says:
metoxys says:
Someone PM me. Wanna see dat notification

done :done:

Beetle Racer
Location: DE
Who was first?

And the correct reply was: Thanks.
Site Leader
Location: US
eyebo (701) says:
Who was first?

andriv, 2 hours earlier
Beetle Racer
Location: DE
MrA says:
As part of that we had to move servers, so although our new server is a much cheaper overall package, in terms of network usage we are better off, to the extent that we dont really need to worry about it. We are much worse off in terms of disk space available and RAID configuration.

So this kind of 'fun' feature will really not make any difference for us in terms of costs.

Thank you.
Old Age Caravanner
Location: NL
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