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Anyone able to make me a very simple model?
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Anyone able to make me a very simple model?  

I'm commissioning someone to make me an extremely simple car model, because I'm a massive flid and have no idea how to do 3D models. It's extremely simple. It's basically just a simple sphere. That's it. If you could just export that as a car file, that would do.

PM me if you're willing to do it, and I'll give you the details. Though there really aren't any more.

I'll be willing to pay this person in planets, or perhaps a showcase in my next track (though I kind of hate these), or maybe I could buy them a cheap game off Steam? I dunno. I've got a copy of Terraria on Steam, so if you want that.

Cheers in advance.
Moped Racer
come on now guys.

Buy you a cheap game on steam.

Moped Racer
like how cheap are we talking here, $10, $20?
Quad Bike Racer
Location: US
i'll go $10

i'll raise it slightly if you do a good job and you ask for a game that doesn't suck balls
Moped Racer
offer expires when i find the time to learn how to do this myself.

tick tock
Moped Racer
You also asked in the Maniapark-forum? I think there are some more modders around than here, maybe you can find someone there, who can help you.
Last edited by XT kruemelyeti,
Moped Racer
Location: DE
irondragons says:
It's basically just a simple sphere. That's it.

What color sphere are we talking, I think I can pull it off :)
Quad Bike Racer
Location: BE
Never mind, It failed like hell and tm crashed..
Now I have to remove all those 3d programs again 8-|
Last edited by adder,
Quad Bike Racer
Location: BE
Maybe ask divingduck?

Look at some of his new 3D work:

Screenshots taken from his ManiaLink: divingduck
Site Leader
Location: US
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