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Replay totally disappeared !
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Replay totally disappeared !  
I was looking around for track to race when i came across a track that i seems to remember driving a while ago, but since my replay was not in the list, i was not sure, so i downloaded it again, and recognized it... Well, reaching finish line and the replay started, there it was; New time 22.03, best time 19.21 ...hm,

so i went to my playlist to check if i maybe forgot to upload it, but nope, it was there....

clicking on it brought me to the said track page, and in the list there, no nesrally 19.21 time....

How can this happen?
Moped Racer
Location: PH
sounds like gremlins in the system
Surely Retired
Location: GB
Then forzyy need to put up some gremlins traps here..... Damn, i drove that track for hours to get that time... :@
Moped Racer
Location: PH
hmm really strange, that never happened to me. If you still have the replay, you could try to upload it again (maybe look @ the autosaves).
Beetle Racer
Location: DE
Tried, could not find it ! Meaning Rhona tried, coz im here in Norway now, when she is there in the Philippines... but i asked her to scan my autosave folder in my pc there, to no avail... its just totally gone... might been overwritten by later attempt, as we know happens... But now I now that every replay is stored in our profile in our ML account, coz on this computer here in Norway i never drove that track... but my best time appear here anyway....

Sometimes my memory fail me badly and get mixed up with what i was imagining my self doing, so that might be a more plausible explanation of the "disapearans" of that said replay... I was just so damn sure i posted that replay ! ! !

But its also ok, coz i love that track and will race it again... hopefully with an even better time.....

So, sorry Mr.A, to balder u about this ! Those f***ens gremlins operate in my brain, not in the system here... :$
Moped Racer
Location: PH
maybee Forzyy havee hideé itt. =p
Beetle Racer
Location: SE
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