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Mandatory update? :S
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Meanwhile, some on ManiaPlanet forums complain that updates don't come often enough.

You know this is the first update in over a month.

This was a 57MB update to ManiaPlanet and a 443 KB update to Canyon. I was done updating in less than 3 minutes. I really don't see how it's that big of an inconvenience.

Even if I went back to the days when I had dialup internet (and I understand some people's internet is still that slow).... that would only take me a few hours to download. Go put on a pot of coffee, take a bike ride, or clean out the storm gutters on your roof. The download will probably be done when you get back.

I also think we should all strap ourselves in for this wild ride. We're going to have to get used to the updates. ManiaPlanet is going to continue to expand with more titles, title packs, feature additions, etc... and ManiaPlanet will continue to improve along with those expansions (which requires the client to be updated each time).

We all want the game to improve and move forward. We want all this new stuff, but when it comes time to spend a few minutes downloading it, we're averse to doing it. It's so sad. :s
Last edited by eyebo,
Site Leader
Location: US
And in your all too often defense, you failed to mention my MAIN point of contention - TM2Unlimiter!

Too busy waffling on about how "good" it is and how easy and fast it is to download. But lets not give a stuff about the map builders who have to rely of some generous 3rd party to provide a working Unlimiter so we can at least have some freedom from the restrictions that is the map editor without it.

And your defense is? Can't wait to here this one ...

Don't get me wrong, I'm miffed because I love the game, and spend countless hours map building and playing. If I didn't give a stuff, I'd simply uninstall and go play something else.

And don't try and convince me that NOT having the TM2Unlimiter to build maps with is somehow a good thing. It isn't.

At the end of the day, the numbers will speak for themselves ...
Learner Driver
idle says:
3rd party

should I add something?..
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
Yeah I get why you're frustrated.

I really don't understand why tm2unlimiter breaks with each new version of ManiaPlanet. Surely not that much changes between versions that it has to break. If I was a conspiracy theorist I'd say Nadeo is deliberately breaking it. But only arc_ would be able to hypothesize about that I guess.

I too wish it wouldn't break on each update. But as Space said, it is a 3rd party tool... a hack actually. Nadeo certainly has no obligation to make sure it works. It's not part of the game they sold us.

I'm just thankful arc_ keeps updating it. If there ever came a time that he stopped, I think a lot of people would be up the proverbial creek without a paddle.
Site Leader
Location: US
eyebo says:
I really don't understand why tm2unlimiter breaks with each new version of ManiaPlanet. Surely not that much changes between versions that it has to break. If I was a conspiracy theorist I'd say Nadeo is deliberately breaking it. But only arc_ would be able to hypothesize about that I guess.

well, he did that on maniaplanet forums ^^

arc_ says:
The last post in that topic claims that TM2Unlimiter stores ManiaPlanet's version number in its .ini file, and that it's possible to use an old version of TM2Unlimiter with a new version of ManiaPlanet by re-extracting the .ini file from the TM2Unlimiter download.

This is not true. Every version of TM2Unlimiter works with one, and only one, version of ManiaPlanet. With every ManiaPlanet update, all kinds of internal details change and I have to manually update TM2Unlimiter to match them. But don't be mistaken, this is not because Nadeo is actively trying to break TM2Unlimiter; it's just a consequence of updating the game.
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
Aha! Thanks for the quote Space. :d
Site Leader
Location: US
TM2Unlimiter 0.2.8 is out, thanks to ARC_ :)
Learner Driver
Awesome! :d
Site Leader
Location: US

I just finished making a track and uploaded it. All is good. Then I went to "Install and play" to make a replay of the track should anyone want to see it before they try it.

And what am I greeted with? .....

Learner Driver
You're so lucky.
Site Leader
Location: US
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