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IDEA - Random map hunting competition.
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I understand but I was talking about a different kind of competition : we all gather at the same time and run on one or several random map from MX to test our reflexes and see how fast we can make good times. So we don't have the problem of registering times but it is possible that some people already played the map.
Learner Driver
Location: FR
it says random maps. So there wont be some mr dvd shit. Sorry mr dvd, but damn 200 min maps in 1 year? its half mx!

Great idea mandark..I think, because its only one envi yet, there should be 5 maps/week. And the winenr can choose between planets and a showcase. If we have enough people supporting this, we should get 500-1000 planets a week. Would be awesome if this stuff gets rollin!
Learner Driver
Location: DE
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