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hello everyone

i am back after sometime just to find a problem. just download the game last couple of days again. to find out
another update, my ? is is there a problem with the media again.
i just made a track and made a nice intro, but when i start the track the game skips the intro ! goes into camera behind the car, wtf whats going on now......

any feed would really help
Location: GB
I had / have the same problem, but thats because of my mouse. Somehow the settings are wrong and everytime i click once the computer makes a doubleclick. The first click switches from the editor to the intro and the second skips it. Hope you know what i mean. Maybe you have the same problem that your computer thinks you make a doubleclick. Check your mouse settings or driver maybe ;)
Greetz Freak
G-kart Racer
Location: DE
I cannot help Wraith, but I had the same trouble with doubleclicking (instead of one click).
After some time I realized it's not a problem with the settings (sensitivity...), but the mousetrigger is simply damaged ("geprellt"). Mabye you need a new mouse Freak (did you play a shooter in the last time? ;) ).
Beetle Racer
Location: DE
no I have a roccat kone which works ofc fine but I have some pc problems and the driver isn installed atm :/
G-kart Racer
Location: DE
still got the problem, my mouse is ok, tested a new one still got same old trouble..
if i open the editor mode and run the track straight away its fine, but do something to the track,then click run it skips
the intro, its dam crazy..lol
Location: GB
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