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Replay - not able to validate anymore after modifying it
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Replay - not able to validate anymore after modifying it  

didnt find this problem discussed yet, so here it is:

after saving my replay after driving the track (offline), i want to modify the replay (removing annoying textblocks or change the camara view, or whatever) in the editor. When i finished those modification and save the replay, i am not able to validate the replay anymore, and in the REPLAY-folder the replay only shows three questionmarks (???) then, instead of the driven time.

Can anyone pls help ? How can i validate, despite having made modifications ?

Learner Driver
Location: DE
I`m not sure, but I guess replay is not allowed to be modified in any way... In my opinion it would be strange if it was..... :$
Moped Racer
Location: PH
But why does the replay editor exist then, if i may not edit/modify my replay...

I dont wanna change the time, just some camera views etc...
Learner Driver
Location: DE
You mentioned editing the replay specifically in the editor. Why not do it out of the editor? Especially if you're only editing some cameras.
Moped Racer
Location: US
What do you mean ? Can't see any other ways for editing a replay other than the replay editor.

The main case is that it is also not possible to delete cams from the replay without "invalidating" it. And for many people, being able to see a replay without interfering cams is totally necessarily.
Moped Racer
Location: NO
Oh, I'm sorry, I thought he meant he was editing it from the track editor. That didn't make much sense to me, which was why I commented. Oops :$
Moped Racer
Location: US
After some research (or more appropriate: doing dull things), i think the replay saving sequence is the root of the problem.
Especially since saving a replay without any modifications will also invalidate it.

Moped Racer
Location: NO
You can't upload a replay after it's edited.
When you edit a replay it isn't valid anymore, and MX only accepts valid replays to prevent cheating.
Does it djent?
Location: NO
Thanks for the explanation, but doesnt make sense to me. The sense of a replay, if it is a good one (good time), is, to upload it on TMX. For example if you drove a RPG map, you save it, quit the replay and then watch it again from the replay folder, the 1st half of the replay is covered by text blocks and strange cameraperspectives, and you dont see the car and the driving. So you technically HAVE TO edit the replay to delete the text blocks and to setup another cameraperspective, so that the whole driving can be seen.

This problem didnt exist in TM Nations. There you were able to edit the replay (and save it), and it was possible to validate nevertheless....

Last edited by baumann1,
Learner Driver
Location: DE
you could always save the track twice ! under 2 different names ! before the mod and after this way it should work
Location: GB
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